Staff Reference Form Please accept our thanks in advance for giving your frank and confidential opinion of his/her suitability for this position. If you are human, leave this field blank. Applicant’s name: Date How long have you know the applicant? In what capacity have you known the applicant? Is this the type of person you would want as a counselor for a child of your own? Yes No Unsure What three words would you use to describe this person’s strengths? Ability to Accept Supervision and constructive criticism: excellent good fair poor no basis for judgment Appearance: excellent good fair poor no basis for judgment Ability to connect with Children: excellent good fair poor no basis for judgment Communication Skills: excellent good fair poor no basis for judgment Consideration for others: unusually thoughtful usually considerate rarely considerate selfish no basis for judgment Energy: excellent good fair poor no basis for judgment Enthusiasm: excellent good fair poor no basis for judgment Friendliness: excellent good fair poor no basis for judgment Dependability: excellent good fair poor no basis for judgment Health: excellent good fair poor no basis for judgment Humor: delightful good inappropriate humorless no basis for judgment Integrity: very trustworthy usually trustworthy occasionally trustworthy untrustworthy no basis for judgment Maturity: very mature appropriate somewhat immature very immature no basis for judgment Motivation very ambitious eager average no motivation no basis for judgment Leadership: always takes initiative sometimes leads follows never leads no basis for judgment Loyalty excellent good fair poor no basis for judgment Responsibility: always sometimes avoids never accepts no basis for judgment Self Confidence: healthy self image needs some support appears overly confident needs much reassurance no basis for judgment Social Attitude: excellent good fair poor no basis for judgment Teaching Ability: excellent good fair poor no basis for judgment Tolerance: excellent good fair poor no basis for judgment Overall Rating excellent good fair poor Do you have any additional information that may be helpful in our evaluation of this applicant? YOUR Full Name YOUR Email Address YOUR School or Business YOUR Address Daytime contact phone number Evening contact phone number